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Choosing the Best Website Builder for Your Small Business: A Straightforward Guide

Updated: Apr 4

In the digital age, having an online presence is non-negotiable for small businesses aiming to grow brand awareness and foster interest among the customer base. Even though some will try to tell you they are  a thing of the past, a well-designed website is still the cornerstone of your online presence. It can be a little daunting for those without technical expertise however, the right website builder can simplify this process, offering a blend of ease of use, affordability, and functionality. Today, we're cutting through the noise to recommend the best website builder for small businesses looking for straightforward, effective solutions.

A man with a gray shirt and a woman in a blue shirt looking at a laptop with large windows in the background.
Decide What Your Website Requires, Then Look At The Options

Wix Might Be Right For Your Business

Wix gets a bad rep sometimes, and for good reason – if you’re an enterprise-level business and want a site with advanced functionality, some of the sacrifices Wix makes in the name of user experience end up causing issues with page speed and functional limitations. However, we honestly love Wix. It stands out for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, making it ideal for business owners who want to personally take the reins of their website's design without delving into code. It offers a wide range of templates that are not only modern but also fully customizable, ensuring that your website aligns with your brand identity. Wix is particularly suitable for small businesses due to its scalability, allowing you to add features and functionality as your business grows, just don’t expect to put out your IPO with a Wix website in tow.

Smart phone on with "Create a website without limits".
Maybe Wix?

Squarespace Is Another Option

Squarespace, another O.G. web builder, is renowned for its sleek designs and sophisticated templates. It’s perfect for businesses aiming for an elegant and professional online presence. It offers excellent built-in tools for creatives and retailers, including portfolio displays and e-commerce capabilities, making it a go-to for businesses that prioritize aesthetics alongside functionality. On the downside, it’s a little pricey compared to some of the other options out there, and limitations on SEO and customizations could eventually hold back your business if it ever becomes too large. Overall, we give it a 7 out of 10.  

Man sitting on floor with laptop showing, "Create Your Website".
Maybe Squarespace?

Shopify For E-commerce May Work For You

For those prioritizing e-commerce, Shopify is the heavyweight champion. It's specifically designed to support online stores, providing an extensive suite of sales tools, inventory management, and a vast app market to integrate additional features. While it might come with a steeper learning curve and higher price point, its robust platform is unmatched for businesses focused on scaling their online sales.

One hand holding a phone with a shopping cart image and the other hand typing on a laptop with various products shown on the screen.
Maybe Shopify?

Is Weebly The Best Website Builder For Your Small Business?

Weebly, powered by Square, is the most user-friendly option for those on a tight budget. It offers a range of basic templates and drag-and-drop features, making website building accessible for beginners. Its integration with Square's payment platform makes it an excellent choice for small retail businesses looking to venture into e-commerce with minimal investment. Easy to use? Yep. Good customer support? Not so much. In addition to lackluster customer service, some users find it to be a particularly limited web builder which can lead to sites not looking great, or perhaps worse, too similar.

Computer screen with a magnifying glass on "weebly" and underneath, "Build a professional website.that grows with your business."
Maybe Weebly?

Choosing the right website builder for your small business boils down to your specific needs, skills, and growth plans. Whether it's the comprehensive design freedom of Wix, the polished aesthetics of Squarespace, the e-commerce prowess of Shopify, or the cost-effective simplicity of Weebly, each platform offers unique advantages. Prioritize what matters most for your business's online journey and select the builder that aligns with those needs. With the right tools, your small business can carve out its own space in the digital marketplace, attracting customers and opportunities alike.

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